Geoff Herbach co-founded the Lit 6 Project (Minneapolis, MN), a group that runs beer-fueled literary events around the Midwest. He is also a founding member of The Electric Arc Radio Show, a literary-musical tragi-comedy, which airs on Minnesota Public Radio, starring four sad writers who live in a decrepit house and spend time fighting over the television remote and stealing appliances from local stores rather than writing. His debut novel, The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg, arrives this April from Crown/Three Rivers Press. Tish Cohen, author of Town House, called the book, “...a darkly comic, extraordinary peek into the delicate mind of a suicidal no-hoper.” Herbach has hope and an MFA in creative writing from Hamline University.

Betsy Boyd was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. A fiction writer and journalist currently living in Baltimore, she has published short stories in Shenandoah, Unpleasant Event Schedule, and on CD through Verb: An Audioquarterly. Betsy received a James A. Michener Fellowship in screenwriting. She will spend February as a writer in residence at the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska.

John Rowell is the author of the short story collection The Music of Your Life (Simon and Schuster), which was named a Dazzling Debut/Breakout Book of Spring, 2003 at Amazon.com, and was also a finalist for the 2004 Ferro-Grumley Prize for Best Fiction Book of the Year. He is the recipient of fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, The Sewanee Writers Conference (Walter E. Dakin Fellow, 2004), The Edward F. Albee Foundation and the Kimmel-Harding-Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska City, Nebraska. John served two years as the Reginald S. Tickner Fellow/Writer-In-Residence at The Gilman School of Baltimore, Maryland, where he is now a member of the permanent Upper School faculty, teaching English and Creative Writing and directing in the theater program. John’s fiction, essays and reviews have been featured in such publications as Tin House, Bloom and Show Business Weekly, among others.

Adam Robinson has published poetry in the Baltimore journals, The Shattered Wig Review and Rock Heals, and has earned a grant from the Chicago Union League for his fiction writing. He writes articles on Christian rock for HM Magazine and poetry reviews for JMWW. He is the editor of Publishing Genius, a chapbook press that also distributes the outdoor journal Baltimore Is Reads and the ePress series, This PDF Chapbook. In 2005 his play, The Professor, was staged in Milwaukee. He performs artsy rock-hop with filmmaker Stephanie Barber in their duo, Cardinal.