Larry Doyle is the author of I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER, soon to be a minor motion picture directed by Chris Columbus and starring Hayden Panettiere in the title role. He was a writer-producer for The Simpsons for four years, and now makes something of a living writing screenplays and allegedly funny things for The New Yorker.

Jackie Corley was born in 1982. She developed Word Riot (www.wordriot.org) in March 2002 with the help of Paula Anderson. Word Riot Press, an independent publishing press, evolved out of the magazine in January 2003. Her writing has appeared on-line at MobyLives.com, 3AM Magazine, and Pequin, among others, and in various print anthologies. Her short story collection, The Suburban Swindle, will be published in October 2008 by So New (www.sonewpublishing.com).

Linda Campbell Franklin has written and/or illustrated 40+ nonfiction books, but she's given up assembling and rearranging facts out of neat file cabinets, and has returned to what's in her messy brain—fiction. Soon she hopes to finish one of the four novels in progress. She teaches creative writing at a re-entry program for ex-offenders. Only one piece of fiction has been published—a short story for children a couple of years ago. She hasn’t tried to publish anything else, so if you have a carrot stick, please use it on her! Her blog is www.barkinglips.blogspot.com.