If you thought last month was a blast, check our our March 21st reading, featuring Leni Zumas, Marion Winik, Rupert Wondolowski, and Deb Olin-Unferth! All are marvelously talented, acclaimed writers that you won't see together anywhere else!

Deb Olin-Unferth is the author of the novel, VACATION, and the story collection, MINOR ROBBERIES, both from McSweeney's.

Leni Zumas is the author of the story collection FAREWELL NAVIGATOR (Open City, 2008). Her work has appeared most recently in
New York Tyrant, Quarterly West, Harp & Altar, and Ne
w Orleans Review. She is a 2008 Fellow in Fiction from the New York Foundation for the Arts and an Artist-in-Residence in the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's Workspace program. She teaches at Columbia University.

Rupert Wondolowski is making his second appearance at the 510 with the release of his newest book, THE ORIGIN OF PARANOIA AS A HEATED MOLE SUIT (Publishing Genius, 2008). He also is the author of THE WHISPERING OF ICE CUBES, HUMANS GO OUTSIDE TO HURT YOU, and a few others. His work has appeared in
Murdaland, Lost and Found Times, Rampike, Open 24 Hours, Fell Swoop, Rock Heals, Peek Review, and many other literary journals. He is the editor of
The Shattered Wig Review and host of the erratically held Shattered Wig Nights at the glorious 14 Karat Cabaret. He occasionally gets to read his work on WYPR's treasured program "The Signal" and to pass judgment on authors far more accomplished than himself in book reviews in
Baltimore's City Paper.

Marion Winik writes creative nonfiction, and teaches in the MFA programs at the University of Baltimore and Carlow University in Pittsburgh. Among her eight books are TELLING, a collection of essays(Random House, 1994), FIRST COMES LOVE, a memoir of her first marriage and her husband's death (Random House, 1996), ABOVE US ONLY SKY (Seal, 2005) and her latest, THE GLEN ROCK BOOK OF THE DEAD (Counterpoint, 2008). Winik’s essays and articles have been published in
The New York Times Magazine, O, Salon, Travel+Leisure, Real Simple, and many other newspapers, magazines, web sites, and anthologies; she currently has a monthly column in L
adies Home Journal. She was the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Creative Non-Fiction and has appeared on the Today Show, Politically Incorrect, and Oprah. She lives in Baltimore