Paul Maliszewski has published essays in Harper's, Granta, and Bookforum, among other magazines. His stories have appeared in The Paris Review, One Story, and Bomb and have been awarded two Pushcart Prizes. He is the author of Fakers (The New Press, 2009) and Prayer and Parable, a collection of stories published by Fence Books in May 2011.

Sarah Rose Etter’s chapbook, Tongue Party, is forthcoming from Caketrain Press. Her writing has appeared in The Collagist, PANK Magazine and elimae. She earned her M.F.A in Fiction from Rosemont College.

Joseph Riippi (www.josephriippi.com) is the author of The Orange Suitcase (2011) and Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! (2009), both from Ampersand Books. Research, a novel for performance, is currently in production with The Claque in New York City, and tentatively set for performance in November 2011. Treesisters, a chapbook, is forthcoming from Greying Ghost Press in 2012. He lives in New York.

Scott McClanahan hates bio's. New York Tyrant Books will soon release Hill William. Stories V! and The Nightmares will also be released in 2011.

Steve Himmer is the author of the novel The Bee-Loud Glade, and editor of the webjournal Necessary Fiction. His stories have appeared recently in Hobart, Monkeybicycle, Hawk & Handsaw, and elsewhere. He lives in Quincy, MA and teaches at Emerson College.